Our adult programs extends to veterans, ex-offenders, at-risk-youth, people of color and LGBTQ+ community members who need the skills to positively contribute to their family’s well-being and to the overall community at-large.  Through our mix of technology assets, we can provide training to individuals across Arizona.

Behavioral Health

Case management, Peer-Support, Harm Reduction, Trauma Informed, Adverse Childhood Trauma, Substance Challenged Intervention, SMART Recovery, Life Skills and Development

Health & Wellness

Nutrition, Exercise, Weight Management, Yoga, Self-Management, Self-Defense

Pre-employment Services

I.T. Certification Training, Resumes, Mock Interviews, Job Search, Job Placement, Entrepreneurship Training, GED Training and testing, Referral to Peer Support Training, BHT Training, etc.

Cultural Connection

Roll Call, Talking Circles, Sweat Lodge, Women’s Retreat, Meditation and Medicine, Fall Out/ Weekend Safety Briefing.